Inte i karate, för det är bara ännu en av alla
hans bluffar -nej, vi tror att Manuel Knight är den amerikanske bedragare som
genom att ljuga om militära erfarenheter är den som tjänat allra flest miljoner
och det oavsett om vi talar om SEK eller om USD.
Vi har länge påstått att det inte finns någon i
hela världen som genom lögn om att ha varit elitsoldat inom amerikanska
försvaret, lyckats ljuga ihop mer pengar än vad Manuel Knight gjort. Men sen
fick vi höra talas om en AJ Dicken som påstått sig vara Navy SEAL och var en
riktig big shot, så vi trodde att vi skulle tvingas att komma ut och
pudla här på bloggen när det talades om att AJ Dicken skulle ha lurat till sig
en halv miljard USD, men det visade sig att han inte
lyckades med den kuppen, så 'World Champion in Military Fraud' är Manuel
Här nedan delar vi med oss av litet material om
denne #2 i ranking av dem som sysslat med 'stolen valor'.
Namn: Arthur James Dicken
Företag: Global Resources and Logistics
" For years, Dicken, 57, claimed he was an ex-Navy SEAL who had served in dozens of covert combat missions, from the jungles of Vietnam to the caves of Afghanistan. He proudly wore the SEAL trident insignia and loved to show off his numerous awards. He would regale listeners about his mission to assassinate Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar and his death defying swoop into Pakistan to make the kill shot on Osama Bin Laden. He also carried discharge papers that included two Medals of Honor, and even a laudatory email from Col. Oliver North.
But it was all an elaborate lie, one that he would allegedly use to take hundreds of thousands of dollars from his victims -- and something else harder to put a price on: their honor."
But it was all an elaborate lie, one that he would allegedly use to take hundreds of thousands of dollars from his victims -- and something else harder to put a price on: their honor."
"I just asked, 'What is your background?' and he said, 'I'm ex-Navy SEAL, then I went into the CIA after I retired from the SEALs,'" Ginn said.
The business was popular with the locals, and seemed to be booming. But Dicken's dream to launch his own international security firm was expensive. He convinced Ginn and Romaneschi to invest upward of $850,000 in the new venture. "
"With the doctors' financial backing and Dicken's SEAL credentials, the firm Global Resources and Logistics was born, and it wasn't long before Dicken landed a big security contract with a United Nations-affiliated organization, reputedly worth about half a billion dollars. "
" Shipley had been tracking Dicken's activities for months and said he knew immediately that Dicken was a liar. He said those discharge papers Dicken claimed to have were fakes printed off the Internet.
"All I gotta do is check your name," he said. "I can look at your picture in the newspaper and tell you were never a SEAL."
The business was popular with the locals, and seemed to be booming. But Dicken's dream to launch his own international security firm was expensive. He convinced Ginn and Romaneschi to invest upward of $850,000 in the new venture. "
"With the doctors' financial backing and Dicken's SEAL credentials, the firm Global Resources and Logistics was born, and it wasn't long before Dicken landed a big security contract with a United Nations-affiliated organization, reputedly worth about half a billion dollars. "
" Shipley had been tracking Dicken's activities for months and said he knew immediately that Dicken was a liar. He said those discharge papers Dicken claimed to have were fakes printed off the Internet.
"All I gotta do is check your name," he said. "I can look at your picture in the newspaper and tell you were never a SEAL."
" Shipley said Dicken was a different case from the others. For one thing, his claims, showing off medals and discharge papers were so over the top. He said he even blew up an earlier scheme where Dicken tried to con a filmmaker out of $50,000 by claiming he was the SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden.
"Oh, he says he has got two Medals of Honor, that hasn't happened since World War I ... a POW? There's no listing," Shipley said. "A.J. has a mental problem, and I go after the worst of the worst."
"Oh, he says he has got two Medals of Honor, that hasn't happened since World War I ... a POW? There's no listing," Shipley said. "A.J. has a mental problem, and I go after the worst of the worst."
För att läsa Dickens förfalskade Navy Seal bevis klicka på länken nedan:
Ett år efter ovanstående reportage av ABC-news hade A.J Dicken blivit arresterad för vapenbrott och FBI hade kopplats in i fallet och mer åtal skall komma enligt videon nedan. Det är dock anmärkningsvärt att Dicken aldrig ens varit en militär och ändå lyckats lura så många!
Vi har för avsikt att kontakta ABC-news i USA rörande Manuel Knight då de verkar ta de här militära bedragarna på allvar, som ovanstående video visar så var det just ABC-news första reportage som ledde till Dickens arrestering för bedrägeri, vapenbrott och mer skulle komma. Vi tror också Stolen Valor-lagarna kommer användas i hans fall. Nu skall vi bara se vad ABC-news kan göra för bedragarproblemet i Sverige!